Omnichannel commerce
Meet High Customer Expectations
More than half of ecommerce merchants fulfill at least 20% of their GMV through omnichannel commerce platforms
Reasons for omnichannel initiatives

*Source: BOPIS report / NRF deck

Signifyd helps manage omnichannel risk

Broader data set reduces
the need for delivery address. 
User history reduces the
need for delivery address.
Custom, dedicated review
queues and decision times. Knowing good customers = Fearless omnichannel
- Connect users with other data points, beyond shipping address (email, phone, device/IP, social profile) to verify transaction without delivery address. Our data scale across 10K merchants is uniquely helpful.
- Correlate non-delivery address data assets like email, phone, IP, with previous transactions and use past omnichannel history.
- Ensure timely in-store pick-up or timely expedited shipping.
97% of transactions identified by one or more of these variables

Structube is growing fast and expanding globally. Signifyd helps Structube accept more orders while eliminating fraud losses and manual reviews.
Reduction in cases
Increase in accepted orders
Read more about Omnichannel Commerce on the Signifyd blog
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