Newsroom - Signifyd News release archive | Signifyd Fraud and Consumer Abuse Protection for Companies Wed, 10 Apr 2024 17:24:34 +0000 es hourly 1 Newsroom - Signifyd News release archive | Signifyd 32 32 ¿Devolver al remitente? Solo si es conveniente Wed, 03 Apr 2024 09:00:35 +0000 SAN JOSÉ, California–(BUSINESS WIRE)–El proveedor de protección para comercios Signifyd publica hoy sus últimos datos sobre las tendencias en las devoluciones de los consumidores europeos, revelando un factor crucial para los minoristas en el cambiante panorama económico actual. El estudio realizado recientemente por OnePoll en toda Europa destaca una idea fundamental: aunque la inflación pueda…

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SAN JOSÉ, California–()–El proveedor de protección para comercios Signifyd publica hoy sus últimos datos sobre las tendencias en las devoluciones de los consumidores europeos, revelando un factor crucial para los minoristas en el cambiante panorama económico actual.

El estudio realizado recientemente por OnePoll en toda Europa destaca una idea fundamental: aunque la inflación pueda estar remitiendo, los consumidores prudentes dan prioridad a los minoristas que ofrecen políticas de devolución y opciones de pago flexibles. Este dato destaca la importancia de pensar más allá del botón “comprar ahora” y centrarse en el ciclo vital integral del comercio minorista, incluyendo también la entrega y la eventual devolución.

Tomando en consideración que las devoluciones costaron a los minoristas de todo el mundo más de 700 000 millones de dólares en 2023 y que se prevé que asciendan a casi un billón de dólares a finales de la década, los minoristas necesitan estrategias innovadoras para gestionar el proceso eficazmente. Más allá del creciente coste de las devoluciones legítimas, las estrategias de futuro debe tener en cuenta las devoluciones fraudulentas. El reto es cada vez mayor, ya que la adopción de la SCA ha dificultado el fraude en los pagos tradicionales.

Principales conclusiones:

  • Las políticas de devolución impulsan las decisiones de compra: el 86 % de los consumidores españoles considera las políticas de devolución muy o bastante importantes a la hora de elegir un minorista, y bastante más de la mitad de ellos afirmaron que era un factor “muy importante”. En general, el 77 % de los consumidores europeos coincidieron en que las políticas de devolución son bastante o muy importantes.
  • Las facilidades de devolución son primordiales: el 83 % de los encuestados en toda Europa considera crucial las facilidades de devolución, lo cual también refleja el sentimiento en España, donde el 91 % estuvo de acuerdo en que disponer de métodos de devolución fáciles era vital.
  • Mientas que los clientes Europeos se mostraron menos propensos a comprar a un minorista que cobrara por las devoluciones (56 %) u ofreciera únicamente reembolsos para utilizarlos en la tienda (50 %), los consumidores españoles se mostraron ligeramente más indulgentes. Solo el 55 % de los consumidores españoles eran menos propensos a comprar en comercios que cobraran por las devoluciones y solo el 49 % se inclinaron por realizar compras en comercios que solo ofrecieran reembolsos para utilizarlos en la tienda.
  • Los métodos de devolución preferidos varían: los consumidores españoles coincidieron con los demás europeos en que la recogida por mensajero era su experiencia de devolución preferida (39 %). Por su parte el 34 % de los españoles optaron por las devoluciones en tienda y el 27 % se inclinaba por la entrega en una oficina de correos. En toda Europa, el uso de la oficina de correos se situó como la segunda mejor opción y las devoluciones en tienda quedaron en tercer lugar.
  • Razones habituales para el rechazo de las devoluciones: Las razones más frecuentes que señalan los consumidores españoles por las que les rechazaron sus devoluciones incluyeron exceder el plazo de devolución (18 %), daños en los artículos (16 %) y no tener un recibo adecuado (14 %). El 30 % de los encuestados afirmaron que nunca les habían rechazado una devolución.
  • Las preferencias de pago difieren geográficamente: Más de la mitad de los españoles (53 %) y de los italianos (55 %) prefieren PayPal, mientras que el 55 % de los británicos se decantan por las tarjetas de crédito.

El estudio sirve de advertencia a los minoristas europeos para que no confíen en que la experiencia del cliente termina con la compra. Más bien al contrario, deben tener en cuenta todo el ciclo de vida de la compra, incluyendo la entrega y la posesión de los artículos.

Amal Ahmed, directora de Servicios Financieros y Marketing para EMEA de Signifyd declaró, “nuestro estudio pone de relieve las complejidades a las que se enfrentan los minoristas en el cambiante panorama actual del consumidor. Si bien sigue siendo crucial ofrecer una experiencia fluida y centrada en el cliente a lo largo de todo el recorrido minorista, incluidas las opciones de devolución eficientes y flexibles, es igual de importante aplicar estrategias sólidas de prevención del fraude para hacer frente al creciente reto que suponen las devoluciones fraudulentas. Adoptándose a las expectativas cambiantes de los consumidores y dando prioridad tanto a la satisfacción del cliente como a la seguridad ,los minoristas pueden prosperar en este entorno dinámico.”


Los resultados de este estudio proceden de una encuesta realizada a 8000 adultos mayores de 18 años, repartidos a partes iguales entre Reino Unido, España, Italia y Francia. El estudio fue realizado en febrero por OnePoll para Signifyd.


Amal Ahmed
Directora de Servicios Financieros y Marketing para EMEA de Signifyd
+447960 379091

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Restituire al mittente? Solo se è comodo Tue, 02 Apr 2024 18:00:32 +0000 SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Il fornitore della protezione commerciale Signifyd oggi pubblica i suoi ultimi dati sulle tendenze sui resi dei consumatori europei, rivelando una considerazione cruciale per i rivenditori nell’attuale scenario economico in evoluzione. Lo studio, condotto recentemente da OnePoll in tutta Europa, evidenzia un risultato fondamentale: di fronte a un rallentamento dell’inflazione, i consumatori…

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SAN JOSE, Calif.–()–Il fornitore della protezione commerciale Signifyd oggi pubblica i suoi ultimi dati sulle tendenze sui resi dei consumatori europei, rivelando una considerazione cruciale per i rivenditori nell’attuale scenario economico in evoluzione.

Lo studio, condotto recentemente da OnePoll in tutta Europa, evidenzia un risultato fondamentale: di fronte a un rallentamento dell’inflazione, i consumatori attenti ai costi preferiscono i rivenditori che offrono politiche dei resi flessibili e opzioni di pagamento. Questo sottolinea l’importanza di andare oltre il tasto “compra ora” per concentrarsi sull’intero ciclo di vita della rivendita, dalla consegna al reso.

Con resi che costano ai rivenditori complessivamente oltre 700 miliardi di dollari nel 2023 e sono previsti raggiungere quasi 1000 miliardi di dollari entro la fine del decennio, i rivenditori hanno bisogno di strategie innovative per gestire il processo in maniera efficiente. Oltre l’aumento dei costi di resi legittimi, qualsiasi strategia orientata al futuro deve tenere conto dei resi fraudolenti. La sfida è in rapido aumento, visto che l’adozione della SCA ha reso più difficile la frode nei pagamenti tradizionali.

Risultati fondamentali:

  • Le politiche dei resi guidano le decisioni d’acquisto: l’84% dei consumatori italiani considerano le politiche dei resi molto o abbastanza importanti al momento della scelta di un rivenditore, con ben oltre metà di essi che dicono “molto importanti”. Complessivamente, il 77% dei consumatori europei si sono trovati d’accordo sul fatto che le politiche di reso erano abbastanza o molto importanti.
  • La facilità dei resi è importantissima: il 94% degli intervistati in tutta Europa trova fondamentale la facilità dei resi, riflettendo il sentimento in Italia, dove l’89% si trova d’accordo sul fatto che i resi facili fossero essenziali.
  • I consumatori europei avevano meno probabilità di fare acquisti da un rivenditore che impone un costo sui resi (56%) o che ha offerto solo rimborsi in credito nel punto vendita (50%). In Italia, il 62% dei consumatori ha meno probabilità di fare acquisti da rivenditori che hanno imposto un costo sui resi e il 48% era meno propenso a fare acquisti da commercianti che offrono solo credito nel punto vendita per articoli resi.
  • I metodi preferiti di reso variano: i consumatori italiani sono d’accordo con altri europei che il ritiro del corriere ha fornito l’esperienza di reso preferita. È stato preferito dal 53% degli italiani e dal 39% dei consumatori di tutta Europa. Il 25% degli italiani ha scelto la consegna degli articoli all’ufficio postale come secondo metodo preferito. Il terzo metodo in ordine di preferenza è stata la restituzione della merce in negozio effettuata da terzi, dove un rivenditore accetta resi per diversi commercianti (15%). In tutta Europa, l’ufficio postale e il negozio in cui un articolo è stato acquistato sono stati il secondo e il terzo luogo preferito in cui restituire gli articoli.
  • I motivi più frequenti del rifiuto di resi: I motivi più frequenti del rifiuto di un reso riportati dai consumatori italiani comprendono articoli danneggiati (15%), reso oltre il periodo concesso (13%) e restituzione di un articolo errato (12%). Il 36% degli intervistati ha dichiarato di non aver mai avuto un reso rifiutato da un commerciante.
  • Le preferenze di pagamento sono diverse secondo l’area geografica: Oltre metà degli italiani (55%) e degli spagnoli (53%) preferiscono PayPal, mentre il 55% dei britannici preferisce le carte di credito.

Lo studio serve da avviso ai rivenditori europei di non affidarsi all’esperienza clienti che termina con l’acquisto, ma piuttosto devono tenere conto dell’intero ciclo di vita della rivendita attraverso la consegna e il possesso.

Davide Antonelli, GTM di Signifyd ha affermato, “Il nostro studio evidenzia le complesse sfide affrontate dai rivenditori nell’odierno scenario dei consumatori in evoluzione. Offrire esperienze senza soluzione di continuità, flessibili e incentrate sul cliente è essenziale. Altrettanto importante è implementare solide strategie di prevenzione delle frodi per risolvere il problema sempre maggiore dei resi fraudolenti. Adattare le aspettative che cambiano dei clienti e dare priorità sia alla soddisfazione che alla sicurezza dei clienti consente ai rivenditori di avere successo in questo ambiente dinamico”.


I risultati di questo studio provengono da un sondaggio tra 8.000 adulti di almeno 18 anni di età, distribuiti uniformemente nel Regno Unito, in Spagna, Italia e Francia. Lo studio è stato condotto in febbraio da OnePoll per conto di Signifyd.

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Los líderes más influyentes del e-commerce demostraron audacia, ingenio y creatividad en la atención a clientes y la creación de mejores empresas minoristas Wed, 13 Mar 2024 17:00:59 +0000 SAN JOSÉ, California–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Signifyd anunció hoy a los ganadores de 2024 de su premio a Los líderes más influyentes del e-commerce, que honra a profesionales del retail que encontraron formas innovadoras de atender a los clientes al tiempo que ayudaban a sus organizaciones a prosperar frente a la implacable inflación y las inciertas perspectivas de…

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SAN JOSÉ, California–()–Signifyd anunció hoy a los ganadores de 2024 de su premio a Los líderes más influyentes del e-commerce, que honra a profesionales del retail que encontraron formas innovadoras de atender a los clientes al tiempo que ayudaban a sus organizaciones a prosperar frente a la implacable inflación y las inciertas perspectivas de la economía en su conjunto.

Este grupo de líderes del retail demostró una resiliencia asombrosa e inspiró a los equipos en una industria que constantemente transmite el mensaje de que el comercio minorista no va a ser más fácil. Además de los retos constantes que suponen el aumento de las expectativas de los clientes y la rápida evolución de la tecnología, los homenajeados de 2024 han progresado en los últimos años a pesar de las interrupciones en la cadena de suministro, las turbulencias económicas y la feroz competencia por la atención y la preferencia de los compradores en línea.

Cada grupo de Los líderes más influyentes del e-commerce parece superar al anterior”, dijo Raj Ramanand, director ejecutivo de Signifyd, al anunciar a los homenajeados. Año tras año, hemos visto ejemplos increíbles de líderes de comercio electrónico que se han ajustado a disrupciones inesperadas y cambios imprevistos en los mercados y el comportamiento del consumidor. Es un privilegio trabajar con profesionales de alto calibre mientras trazamos juntos el curso del comercio”.

Aunque Signifyd anuncia hoy la lista de Los líderes más influyentes del e-commerce de 2024, el destacado grupo será honrado formalmente en el FLOW Summit 2024, el 17 de abril, en Nueva York. FLOW Summit reúne a los principales profesionales del comercio electrónico y el retail en una jornada de profundas inmersiones en las tendencias y retos más importantes del sector en la actualidad. Bajo el lema “Resiliencia en acción”, el acto será el marco apropiado para un debate entre algunos de los galardonados con el premio a Los líderes más influyentes del e-commerce de 2024.

Y aunque cada uno de los galardonados alcanzó nuevas alturas en 2023 que impulsaron a sus organizaciones su éxito también sirve para mostrar el camino a sus compañeros y a aquellos que recién están lanzando sus carreras. Para conocer a los ganadores y sus historias antes de FLOW Summit, visita el sitio web de Signifyd.

Los ganadores del premio Los líderes más influyentes del e-commerce de 2024 son los siguientes:

  • Anh Vu-Lieberman, vicepresidente, Optimización del Sitio y Conversión, Nogin

  • Antonio Colicchio, vicepresidente de Devoluciones, Fraude y Abuso, Abercrombie & Fitch

  • Chloée Daullé, tesorera, Christian Louboutin

  • David Cost, vicepresidente de Comercio Electrónico y Digital, Rainbow Shops

  • Diptendu Ray, jefe de Gestión de Productos, Giant Tiger

  • Duke Marr, vicepresidente sénior de Estrategia y Marketing, Corra

  • Emilie MacFarlane, directora financiera, Tuckernuck

  • Erik Viafore, vicepresidente global de Tecnología de la Información, Stanley

  • Joe Debicella, vicepresidente de IT, Positec

  • Guilherme Stadler, gerente de Prevención de Fraude, Grupo Boticário

  • Jim Collins, director, Fraude e Investigaciones ORC, Lowe’s

  • Javier Marimon, director sénior de Gestión de Productos Digitales, Alo

  • Andrea Carver, vicepresidenta sénior de DTC y tecnología, Tatcha

  • Leo Lo, director de tecnología del Grupo de Comercio Unificado

  • Leonardo Ornelas, director, Servicios Financieros y Control Omnichannel, Elektra

  • Lisa Laubach, vicepresidenta de Gestión de Productos, Murad

  • Liz Garry, vicepresidenta de Comercio Electrónico de América del Norte, Pandora

  • Mark Dugdale, director de Comercio Electrónico, Joseph Joseph

  • Justin Wisener, director de Investigaciones de Prevención de Pérdidas, Michaels

  • Michael Vergara, vicepresidente de Gestión de Riesgos, Blackhawk Network

  • Michael Williams, jefe de Pagos Globales, Genuine Parts Company

  • Olivia Yuan, cofundadora, Tomorrow

  • Sam Buckingham, director de Producto Digital Global, Keen

  • Sean Knotts, director de Comercio Electrónico Global, Sonos

  • Tag Spenst, vicepresidente sénior de Ecommerce y Producto Digital, MeatEater, Inc.

  • Tomasz Aniśko, director de Tesorería, Fraude y Pagos, Groupon

El premio a Los líderes más influyentes del e-commerce de Signifyd se lanzó durante la parte más difícil de la pandemia, cuando los principales innovadores del comercio combinaron la heroicidad con el ingenio para garantizar que sus organizaciones no sólo sobrevivieran, sino que prosperaran. Ese espíritu y esa determinación han persistido en los años transcurridos desde entonces, dando lugar a nuevas y mejores formas de atender a los clientes y produciendo una generación tras otra de galardonados como Los más influyentes.

El programa en curso es tanto una comunidad como un premio. Ofrece oportunidades continuas para que los expertos de la industria compartan oportunidades de aprendizaje y descubran nuevas formas de mejorar el comercio minorista. Tras la inauguración de FLOW Summit, los homenajeados se conectarán a lo largo del año para dar y recibir consejos e ideas extraídos de su profundo pozo de conocimientos y experiencia.

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Signifyd’s 2024 Most Influential in Ecommerce Showed Grit, Ingenuity and Creativity While Serving Consumers and Building Better Retail Enterprises Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:30:58 +0000 SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Signifyd today announced the 2024 winners of its Most Influential in Ecommerce award, honoring retail professionals who found innovative ways to serve customers while helping their organizations prosper in the face of relentless inflation and the uncertain prospects for the economy as a whole. Signifyd announced the 2024 winners of its Most…

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SAN JOSE, Calif.–()–Signifyd today announced the 2024 winners of its Most Influential in Ecommerce award, honoring retail professionals who found innovative ways to serve customers while helping their organizations prosper in the face of relentless inflation and the uncertain prospects for the economy as a whole.

Signifyd announced the 2024 winners of its Most Influential in Ecommerce award, honoring retail professionals who found innovative ways to serve customers while helping their organizations prosper in the face of relentless inflation and uncertain economy.

This group of retail’s leading lights demonstrated uncanny resilience while inspiring teams in an industry that consistently delivers a message that retail isn’t going to get any easier. Besides the constant challenges of increasing customer expectations and rapidly evolving technology, the class of 2024 has powered forward in recent years despite supply chain disruptions, economic turbulence, and fierce competition for shoppers’ online attention and dollars.

“Each class of the Most Influential in Ecommerce seems to outdo the last,” Signifyd CEO Raj Ramanand said in announcing the honorees. “Year after year, we’ve seen incredible examples of ecommerce leaders who have adjusted to unexpected disruptions and unforeseen changes in markets and consumer behavior. It’s a privilege to work with such high-caliber leaders as we chart the course of commerce together.”

While Signifyd is announcing the 2024 Most Influential in Ecommerce today, the elite group will be formally honored at Signifyd’s FLOW Summit 2024 on April 17, in New York. The FLOW Summit is a gathering of leading ecommerce and retail professionals for a day of deep dives into the most important trends and challenges in the industry today. Bearing the theme “Resilience in Action,” the event will be an appropriate setting for a discussion among some of the 2024 Most Influential in Ecommerce honorees.

Register for FLOW now to attend and take part in the conversation.

And while each of the Most Influential in Ecommerce honorees achieved new heights in 2023 that propelled their organizations forward, their success also serves to show the way to their peers and to those who are just launching their careers. To get to know the winners and their stories in advance of the FLOW Summit, visit the Signifyd website.

The Signifyd 2024 Most Influential in Ecommerce are:

Signifyd’s Most Influential in Ecommerce award was launched during the depths of the pandemic when leading retail innovators married heroics with ingenuity to ensure that their organizations not only survived but thrived. That spirit and determination has persisted in the years since, resulting in new and better ways to serve customers and producing class after class of Most Influential honorees.

The ongoing program is as much a community as it is an award. It provides continuing opportunities for industry experts to share lessons learned and puzzle out new ways to do retail better. After the FLOW kickoff, the honorees will connect throughout the year to give and take advice and ideas drawn from their deep well of knowledge and experience.

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Os mais influentes no e-commerce mostraram garra, engenhosidade e criatividade ao atender os consumidores e criar as melhores empresas de varejo Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:00:58 +0000 SAN JOSE, Califórnia–(BUSINESS WIRE)–A Signifyd anunciou hoje os vencedores de 2024 do prêmio “Mais Influentes no E-commerce”, homenageando profissionais do varejo que encontraram maneiras inovadoras de atender os clientes e, ao mesmo tempo, ajudar as respectivas organizações a prosperar diante da inflação crescente e das perspectivas incertas para a economia como um todo. Esse grupo…

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SAN JOSE, Califórnia–()–A Signifyd anunciou hoje os vencedores de 2024 do prêmio “Mais Influentes no E-commerce”, homenageando profissionais do varejo que encontraram maneiras inovadoras de atender os clientes e, ao mesmo tempo, ajudar as respectivas organizações a prosperar diante da inflação crescente e das perspectivas incertas para a economia como um todo.

Esse grupo de líderes do varejo demonstrou grande resiliência enquanto inspirava equipes em um setor que consistentemente transmite uma mensagem de que o varejo não vai ficar mais fácil. Além dos desafios constantes, das expectativas cada vez maiores dos clientes e da tecnologia em rápida evolução, os premiados de 2024 avançaram com força nos últimos anos, apesar das interrupções na cadeia de suprimentos, da turbulência econômica e da concorrência acirrada pela atenção e pelo dinheiro dos compradores online.

Cada uma das turmas de ‘Mais Influentes no E-commerce’ parece superar a anterior”, disse Raj Ramanand, CEO da Signifyd, ao abrir a cerimônia. “Ano após ano, vemos exemplos incríveis de líderes de e-commerce que se ajustaram a interrupções inesperadas e mudanças imprevistas nos mercados e no comportamento do consumidor. É um privilégio trabalhar com líderes de alto calibre enquanto traçamos juntos os rumos do e-commerce.”

Os “Mais Influentes no E-commerce” de 2024 serão formalmente homenageados no evento FLOW Summit 2024 em 17 de abril, em Nova York. O FLOW Summit é uma reunião dos principais profissionais de e-commerce e varejo para um dia de mergulhos profundos nas tendências e desafios mais importantes do setor atualmente. Com o tema “Resiliência em ação”, o evento será um cenário apropriado para uma discussão entre alguns dos homenageados do “Mais Influentes no E-commerce” de 2024.

E embora cada um dos homenageados no “Mais Influentes no E-commerce” tenha alcançado novos patamares em 2023 que impulsionaram a organização para o futuro, o sucesso também serve para mostrar o caminho para os colegas e para aqueles que estão apenas começando a carreira. Para conhecer os vencedores e as histórias antes do FLOW Summit, acesse o site da Signifyd.

Os Mais Influentes em E-commerce 2024 da Signifyd são:

  • Anh Vu-Lieberman, vice-presidente, taxa de conversão e otimização do site, Nogin

  • Antonio Colicchio, vice-presidente de devoluções, fraude e abuso, Abercrombie & Fitch

  • Chloée Daullé, tesoureira, Christian Louboutin

  • David Cost, vice-presidente, e-commerce e digital, Rainbow Shops

  • Diptendu Ray, diretor de gerenciamento de produtos, Giant Tiger

  • Duke Marr, vice-presidente sênior de estratégia e marketing, Corra

  • Emilie MacFarlane, CFO, Tuckernuck

  • Erik Viafore, vice-presidente global de tecnologia da informação, Stanley

  • Joe Debicella, VP, IT at Positec

  • Guilherme Stadler, gerente de prevenção de fraudes, Grupo Boticário

  • Jim Collins, diretor de investigações de fraude e ORC, Lowe’s

  • Javier Marimon, diretor sênior de gestão de produtos digitais, Alo

  • Andrea Carver, vice-presidente sênior de DTC e tecnologia, Tatcha

  • Leo Lo, CTO, Unified Commerce Group

  • Leonardo Ornelas, diretor de serviços financeiros e omnichannel, Elektra

  • Lisa Laubach, vice-presidente de gerenciamento de produtos, Murad

  • Liz Garry, vice-presidente, North American Ecommerce, Pandora

  • Mark Dugdale, diretor de e-commerce, Joseph Joseph

  • Justin Wisener, gerente de prevenção de perdas, Michaels

  • Michael Vergara, vice-presidente de gestão de riscos, Blackhawk Network

  • Michael Williams, diretor de pagamentos globais, Genuine Parts Company

  • Olivia Yuan, cofundadora, Tomorrow

  • Sam Buckingham, diretora global de produto digital, Keen

  • Sean Knotts, diretor global de e-commerce, Sonos

  • Tag Spenst, vice-presidente sênior de produto digital e ecommerce, MeatEater, Inc.

  • Tomasz Aniśko, diretor de tesouraria, fraude e pagamentos, Groupon

A premiação “Mais Influentes no E-commerce” da Signifyd foi lançado durante o auge da pandemia, quando as mentes mais inovadoras do varejo combinaram ousadia com engenhosidade para garantir que as organizações não apenas sobrevivessem, mas prosperassem. Esse espírito e determinação persistiram nos anos seguintes, resultando em novas e melhores maneiras de atender os clientes, e gerando grandes resultados turma após turma dos homenageados mais influentes.

O programa em andamento é tanto uma comunidade quanto um prêmio. Ele oferece oportunidades contínuas para especialistas do setor compartilharem oportunidades de aprendizado e descobrirem novas maneiras de fazer o melhor no varejo. Após o pontapé inicial do FLOW, os homenageados se conectarão ao longo do ano para dar e receber conselhos e ideias extraídas do conhecimento e da experiência de que já dispõem.

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Return to sender? Only if it’s convenient Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:00:57 +0000 LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Commerce protection provider Signifyd today unveils its latest data on European consumer return trends, revealing a crucial consideration for retailers in today’s evolving economic landscape. Signifyd’s research highlights a key insight: While inflation may be easing, cost-conscious consumers prioritise retailers offering flexible return policies and payment options. The research, conducted by OnePoll across Europe…

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LONDON–()–Commerce protection provider Signifyd today unveils its latest data on European consumer return trends, revealing a crucial consideration for retailers in today’s evolving economic landscape.

Signifyd’s research highlights a key insight: While inflation may be easing, cost-conscious consumers prioritise retailers offering flexible return policies and payment options.

The research, conducted by OnePoll across Europe in February 2024, highlights a key insight: While inflation may be easing, cost-conscious consumers prioritise retailers offering flexible return policies and payment options. This underscores the importance of going beyond the “buy now” button and focusing on the entire retail life cycle, from delivery to return.

With returns globally costing retailers more than $700 billion in 2023 and projected to cost nearly $1 trillion by the end of the decade, retailers need innovative strategies to manage the process effectively. Beyond the rising cost of legitimate returns, any future-focused strategy must account for fraudulent returns. The challenge is growing rapidly, given that the adoption of SCA has made traditional payments fraud more difficult.

Key Findings:

  • Return policies drive buying decisions: 76% of European consumers consider return policies fairly or very important when choosing a retailer, with Italy and Spain placing the highest value on this factor (48% and 47% respectively saying “very important”).
  • Ease of return is paramount: 94% of respondents find ease of return crucial, with a majority stating they’d be less likely to shop at a retailer offering only store credit (50%) or charging for return costs (57%).
  • Preferred return methods vary: The top three preferred return methods are courier collection (35%), Post Office drop-off (32%), and in-store returns (26%), with return bars being the least popular (7%). Notably, British and Spanish consumers favour in-store returns the most (both at 34%).
  • Common reasons for return rejection: The most frequent reasons for rejected returns include exceeding the return window (13%), damaged items (12%), and returning products excluded from the policy (9%).
  • Payment preferences differ geographically: Over half of Italians (55%) and Spaniards (53%) prefer PayPal, while 55% of Britons favour credit cards.

The research conducted serves as a warning to European retailers not to rely on customer experience ending with the purchase; instead, they need to account for the full retail life cycle through delivery and possession.

Amal Ahmed, Director, Financial Services and EMEA Marketing at Signifyd said, “Our research highlights the complexities retailers face in today’s evolving consumer landscape. While offering a seamless and customer-centric experience throughout the retail journey remains crucial, including efficient and flexible return options, it’s equally important to implement robust fraud prevention strategies to address the growing challenge of fraudulent returns. By adapting to changing consumer expectations and prioritising both customer satisfaction and security, retailers can thrive in this dynamic environment.”


Results of this research are from a survey of 8,000 adults aged 18 and above, split evenly across the UK, Spain, Italy, and France. Research was conducted in February 2024 by OnePoll on behalf of Signifyd.


Hotwire Global for Signifyd

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Holiday Online Sales Defy Gloomy Forecasts and Cap a Surprisingly Strong Season With Robust December Sales Thu, 04 Jan 2024 17:00:16 +0000 SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–U.S. shoppers continued to demonstrate determination in December to fulfill loved ones’ holiday wishes — and perhaps their own — pushing online holiday sales for the season 7% higher than last year, according to data from Signifyd. Determined consumers and big discounts pushed December online sales up 11% over a year ago,…

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SAN JOSE, Calif.–()–U.S. shoppers continued to demonstrate determination in December to fulfill loved ones’ holiday wishes — and perhaps their own — pushing online holiday sales for the season 7% higher than last year, according to data from Signifyd.

Determined consumers and big discounts pushed December online sales up 11% over a year ago, powering a holiday season that demolished early expectations, according to data from Signifyd.

December’s 11% online sales growth over 2022 was astonishing given early season predictions that spending would lose steam through the fourth quarter and end with December seeing 3% growth.

The overall increase in fourth-quarter sales also surpassed early-season projections and defied conventional wisdom that inflation fatigue would dampen holiday sales in 2023. As has been the case since Cyber Week, heavy use of discounts appeared to play a role in consumers’ free-spending ways, according to ecommerce data from the commerce protection provider.

Consumers continued big-spender ways in December

December’s sales figures continued the trend of confounding experts’ early expectations. The month’s surge was powered by a 27% year-over-year boost in grocery sales, a 19% increase in electronics spending and a 14% rise in spending on leisure and outdoor goods.

Like November’s sale surge, December’s surprising results were driven by an increased use of discount codes by shoppers who were willing to spend, as long as they found a good deal. Discount code use in December was up 14% over a year ago, according to Signifyd data. In all, 23% of online sales in December were accompanied by a discount code.

For the fourth quarter as a whole, consumers’ use of discounts increased 20% over 2022 and 24% of all sales included a discount.

December online sales — 2023 vs. 2022

All categories






Leisure & outdoor


Luxury goods


Fashion & apparel


Alcohol, tobacco & cannabis


Home goods & decor


Beauty & cosmetics


Consumers returned to pre-COVID buying patterns in 2023

The surprising degree to which overall holiday online sales jumped in 2023 is a testament to the resilience of U.S. consumers. Conventional wisdom before the season kicked off had it that consumers would shop early, pulling spending forward into October, before pulling back and coasting through November and December.

Instead, consumers steadily increased spending month over month during the fourth quarter. Signifyd Chief Customer Officer J. Bennett noted that the pattern was a return to pre-COVID years when the holiday peak shopping season stretched from roughly mid-November to Dec. 20.

“Both we and our merchants were pleasantly surprised by the staying power of the consumer throughout what has typically been the peak holiday period,” Bennett said. “This felt like a return to normalcy, with consumers waiting for better deals later in the season. When retailers ultimately offered those deals, consumers responded in a big way.”

Consumers flipped holiday projections, starting slowly, then building up speed

Heading into Q4, Signifyd projected holiday season sales would increase 5% over a year ago. The analysis saw October sales rising 7% year over year before cooling to a 5% increase in November and a 3% jump in December. Instead, online sales in the last three months of the year were up 4%, 8% and 11%, which was good news for ecommerce businesses.

As is always the case, ecommerce fortunes varied by individual retailer and by retail category. Grocery had the strongest Q4, rising 24% over holiday 2022, in part due to higher prices. The category including alcohol and cannabis products was up 19% year over year, while leisure and outdoor, electronics and luxury all had strong showings.

Holiday season (Q4) online sales — year-over-year change

All categories




Alcohol, tobacco & cannabis


Leisure & outdoor




Luxury goods


Fashion & apparel


Beauty & cosmetics


Home goods & decor



Signifyd’s Holiday Season Pulse Tracker data is derived from transactions on Signifyd’s Commerce Network of thousands of ecommerce retailers and brands. Commerce Network intelligence also powers Signifyd’s Commerce Protection Platform, which leverages AI-driven machine learning models and data from millions of transactions to detect and block fraudulent activity. Signifyd has seen more than 600 million unique shopper wallets1 globally, meaning that 98% of the time when a shopper comes to a Signifyd-protected site, Signifyd’s machine-learning models recognize the shopper instantly. For a tutorial explaining the methods and meanings behind Signifyd’s Holiday Season Pulse Tracker visit Signifyd’s YouTube channel.

1 A digital wallet is a distinct combination of signals present in an online transaction.

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Cyber Five Online Sales Shattered Expectations as Inflation-Weary Consumers Embraced Deep Discounts Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:00:16 +0000 SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Cyber Five online sales doubled pre-holiday expectations, powered by a discount-fueled shopping frenzy on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, leaving retailers wondering whether more big days were ahead or if consumers had spent themselves out for the holiday season. Robust Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping pushed five-day sales up 8% over…

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SAN JOSE, Calif.–()–Cyber Five online sales doubled pre-holiday expectations, powered by a discount-fueled shopping frenzy on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, leaving retailers wondering whether more big days were ahead or if consumers had spent themselves out for the holiday season.

Robust Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping pushed five-day sales up 8% over last year’s long holiday weekend, Signifyd data shows.

Cyber Five sales increased 8% over a year ago, helped by a boost in buying on Cyber Monday, which saw sales up 7% over 2022, and Black Friday, during which sales increased 11% year over year, according to commerce protection provider Signifyd. Even Saturday and Sunday showed strong sales — up 7% and 8% respectively.

Deep discounts eased consumers’ inflation worries

Discounts drove the strong performance. Cyber Five shoppers increased their use of discounts by 38% over last year, Signifyd data showed, enjoying price reductions that were 14% higher than a year ago. On Cyber Monday, consumers increased their use of discounts by 43% over last year. The average discount over the five-day period was 27.4%, up from 24% in 2022.

“Consumers have been saying that value is especially important to them this holiday season,” Signifyd Chief Customer Officer J. Bennett said. “Merchants have heard that message and responded. And for their part consumers have said, ‘These discounts represent true value. Now is the time to buy.’”

The dramatic boost in sales — Signifyd had initially predicted Cyber Five sales would rise 4% this year — was led by strong performances in some traditional gift categories, including luxury goods, beauty and cosmetics, apparel, alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, and leisure and outdoor goods. Grocery also had a strong weekend. Electronics sales were down 2%.

Cyber Five 2023 sales vs. Cyber Five 2022 by vertical

Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis


Grocery and household goods


Beauty and cosmetics


Luxury goods


Leisure and outdoor


Fashion, apparel and luggage


Home goods and decor




Generous discounts and strategic pricing by online merchants effectively neutralized inflation. Prices during the long Cyber Five weekend were 11% lower than they were during the first half of 2023, a Signifyd analysis found. Signifyd compared the prices of 175,000 products that were selling in the first half of the year to their prices over the weekend.

Value-conscious consumers took advantage of lower prices all weekend. During the Cyber Five, 29% of orders were accompanied by a discount code. On Cyber Monday, consumers added discount codes to 30% of their orders.

Are consumers spent out or ready to buy?

With four weeks to go in the holiday season, the question remains: Was the breakout Cyber Five a sign of shopping to come or did discounts simply encourage consumers to finish their holiday shopping in November instead of December?

“I’ll be curious to see how much of the Cyber Five spending was a pull-forward from December,” Bennett said. “If I had to project right now, I’d say November is going to end stronger than we projected, and December will fall a little short of expectations. Consumers have said they have a set budget for the holidays. They’re just searching for the best value, the best place to spend that money.”

Among the weekend’s many bright spots: Fraud pressure — or the number of orders Signifyd deemed to be fraudulent — dropped by 20% over last year’s Cyber Five. The figure was notable, given that U.S. merchants faced a massive fraud attack during holiday 2022. An organized fraud ring last year made off with an estimated $660 million in goods from online retailers nationwide while attempting fraudulent purchases of more than an estimated $3 billion in products.


Signifyd’s Holiday Season Pulse Tracker data is derived from transactions on Signifyd’s Commerce Network of thousands of ecommerce retailers and brands. Commerce Network intelligence also powers Signifyd’s Commerce Protection Platform, which leverages AI-driven machine learning models and data from millions of transactions to detect and block fraudulent activity. Signifyd has seen more than 600 million unique shopper wallets1 globally, meaning that 98% of the time when a shopper comes to a Signifyd-protected site, Signifyd’s machine-learning models recognize the shopper instantly. For a tutorial explaining the methods and meanings behind Signifyd’s Holiday Season Pulse Tracker visit Signifyd’s YouTube channel.


1 A digital wallet is a distinct combination of signals present in an online transaction.

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Signifyd Deepens Its Partnership with Adobe by Integrating Guaranteed Fraud Protection into Payment Services for Adobe Commerce Mon, 23 Oct 2023 16:00:39 +0000 SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Signifyd is launching a new era of payment protection today by integrating its Commerce Protection Platform with Payment Services for Adobe Commerce. In doing so, Signifyd becomes an integrated fraud protection provider for Payment Services for Adobe Commerce. The expanded partnership extends seamless protection against all manner of chargebacks by integrating Signifyd…

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SAN JOSE, Calif.–()–Signifyd is launching a new era of payment protection today by integrating its Commerce Protection Platform with Payment Services for Adobe Commerce. In doing so, Signifyd becomes an integrated fraud protection provider for Payment Services for Adobe Commerce.

The expanded partnership extends seamless protection against all manner of chargebacks by integrating Signifyd with Payment Services for Adobe Commerce to power frictionless checkout, higher conversion and increased customer lifetime value.

The expansion of this partnership builds a broader, more robust network that provides the deeper insight into transaction intelligence needed to protect merchants from fraudulent orders and attacks. Siloed data has long been a hurdle for the multitude of payments players looking to have full visibility into the identity and intent behind online transactions. Merchants no longer have to face the unenviable choice of adding friction and barriers to checkout or leaving themselves vulnerable to costly fraud attacks.

Signifyd’s integration with Payment Services for Adobe Commerce is the latest acknowledgment that successful ecommerce leaders are embracing visionary innovation to optimize the payment layer from the beginning to the end of the digital buying journey.

The technical integration has opened a vast new data network which empowers Signifyd’s AI-powered decision model to provide optimum performance for Adobe Commerce merchants. The system’s precision allows Signifyd to offer a financial guarantee covering all chargebacks on approved orders, whether disputes arise from traditional payment fraud or from consumer complaints, including that a package never arrived or that an order was never placed.

“Adobe Commerce is known for providing merchants with the solutions they need to offer their customers best-in-class online experiences,” said Will Wyatt, Signifyd vice president, global partnerships & channel sales. “As a fraud-protection provider, Signifyd extends those best-in-class experiences to checkout and the payment process, lifting conversion for merchants while increasing their revenue and maximizing customer lifetime value.”

“A key tenet of Payment Services for Adobe Commerce is to provide the highest level of transaction intelligence, reporting and security to our clients,” said Jason Knell, Adobe’s senior director, commerce services GTM & content partnerships. “As a leader in merchant transaction protection, Signifyd’s expansive network and ability to provide the highest level in payment decision accuracy made them a top choice for our payment protection offerings.”

Payment Services for Adobe Commerce merchants will now benefit from Signifyd’s insight into more than 600 million digital wallets1. That massive network means that when a shopper transacts on Signifyd’s Commerce Network, the fraud protection provider recognizes elements of the transaction 98% of the time. A Signifyd analysis found that those insights helped its top 600 customers realize a 5% to 9% increase in approved orders.

1 A digital wallet is a distinct combination of signals present in an online transaction.

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Signifyd Study Predicts a 5% Rise in Holiday Ecommerce This Season, as Consumers Battle Inflation and an Uncertain Economy Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:00:10 +0000 SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Online sales will see slim growth this holiday season with ecommerce spending over the Cyber Five weekend projected to be 4% higher than last year and total season sales up 5% compared to 2022, according to a data analysis by commerce protection provider Signifyd. Online sales will see slim growth this holiday…

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SAN JOSE, Calif.–()–Online sales will see slim growth this holiday season with ecommerce spending over the Cyber Five weekend projected to be 4% higher than last year and total season sales up 5% compared to 2022, according to a data analysis by commerce protection provider Signifyd.

Online sales will see slim growth this holiday season with ecommerce spending over the Cyber Five weekend projected to be 4% higher than last year and total season sales up 5% compared to 2022, according to Signifyd.

While modest, this holiday’s ecommerce sales growth builds on a strong season last year and comes after months of talk of inflation and unsettling economic news. Adding to the mixed outlook, the analysis, based on transaction intelligence from Signifyd’s Commerce Network of thousands of merchants, underscores that holiday 2023 will play out differently depending on a merchant’s particular vertical.

“I see that there is going to be some pretty modest growth, but with some real opportunity for retailers depending on their categories and how well they’re able to execute,” Signifyd Chief Customer Officer J. Bennett said. “Retailers who are able to get in front of their customers when they want to be sold to and deliver value in a beautiful experience can look forward to significant success this season.”

Signifyd will provide live data updates throughout the holiday season on its Holiday Season Pulse tracker. The holiday tracker includes data charting overall season sales, sales by vertical, sales by device, use of discounts, fraud trends and dynamically updated season sales projections from today through December.

Signifyd’s analysis projects a strong season for apparel and electronics with year-over-year sales in the fourth quarter up by 9% and 8% respectively. Sporting goods is projected to see a 5% increase compared to last year, while the health and beauty and home goods categories will both fall 5% below their 2022 fourth-quarter sales.

Sales over the Cyber Five — the crucial selling period between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday — will be even more bumpy. Signifyd’s prediction sees only apparel having a breakout Cyber Five, with sales up 10% over 2022. Electronics will see 1% growth, while sporting goods and home goods will fall 1% below last year’s levels and health and beauty will be down 2%.

Consumers will continue to get an early jump on holiday shopping, with ecommerce sales rising by 7% in October over a year ago, Signifyd predicts. November sales will also increase by 5% before the holiday frenzy cools a bit, with sales increasing by only 3% year-over-year in December.

While the projected sales numbers for the season are less than spectacular, Signifyd Data Analyst Phelim Killough said the figures should be viewed in a bigger context.

“They’re perhaps underwhelming from a year-over-year perspective when compared to the double-digit, year-over-year growth from seasons past,” said Killough, who conducted Signifyd’s analysis. “But we’re building off a higher foundation. We haven’t seen a decline in year-over-year sales since the onset of COVID. We’ve simply seen a slowing in growth.”

The predicted holiday spending would come in the wake of September data that shows U.S. consumers continuing to hold back. Overall ecommerce spending was up 3% from September 2022, according to Signifyd Ecommerce Pulse Data. And similar to August, September buying patterns show evidence that shoppers continued to value needs over wants.

Online grocery sales were up 28% year over year in September, owing in part to high food prices, while sales of luxury items fell 8%, Signifyd data shows. The electronics, and outdoor and leisure categories had strong months, finishing higher than last year by 17% and 8% respectively. Beauty and cosmetics had a modest 3% rise.

Auto parts, apparel and home goods all fell below last year, down 2%, 3% and 6% respectively.

Signifyd’s projections are based on recent transaction and growth trends and seasonality factors. Its pulse data is derived from transactions on Signifyd’s Commerce Network of thousands of brands and merchants. For a tutorial explaining the methods and meanings behind Signifyd’s Holiday Season Pulse Tracker visit Signifyd’s YouTube channel.

The post Signifyd Study Predicts a 5% Rise in Holiday Ecommerce This Season, as Consumers Battle Inflation and an Uncertain Economy appeared first on Signifyd.
